Hello Everyone! 

This is Leah Wietrzykowski checking in for my March update. First of all, I would like to thank everyone that participated in the Day of Giving this February. I had a lot of fun participating in the Day of giving Esports stream, and thanks to you we were able to set a new record of $262,800 in gifts! I am so proud to be a part of a college that loves its community and puts such an emphasis on providing opportunities for students and faculty to grow into the next generation of Pioneers. 

The impact that your giving has on campus is definitely not something to overlook. In fact, Herman Fine Arts center has recently been able to open up an extra computer lab for students to work at and a special print room to create anything from magazines to wooden cutouts. As a working student, I have to find times to complete all of my homework, whether this is late at night or during other students’ class times. This separate computer lab has given me the capability to work during those times and has been a lifesaver. I also plan on using the print center to create posters for my capstone next semester. 

With the mention of my capstone project, many of you might realize that I am a senior. After my time here at Marietta College, I am so excited to be able to get the opportunity to go out into the world and make an impact. I feel that the art department and all of the teachers in it have really helped to prepare me to enter the world of digital illustration and graphic design. In fact, this semester I even have a class dedicated to creating resumes, portfolios, and learning important ethics of the art field. 

Although I am not taking it this semester I think that one of the most influential classes that I have taken is Professor Z’s Digital Illustration course. I learned so many critical skills to be a successful digital illustrator and about the process leading up to finished pieces. Just as there is a method to solving a mathematic or scientific problem, doing research, making mood boards, and creating thumbnail iterations is crucial to reaching the final artistic solution of each piece. This process is what the hiring agents of many companies look for in applicants and something that many artists take for granted. I feel that I am a step ahead of the crowd thanks to everything I’ve learned throughout this class and my college career. 

Perhaps in the future I could show some of my art and do a day-in-the-life video of a graphic design student here on campus. Feel free to email me at lew006@marietta.edu if you want to get connected and learn more!